Our Ministries



Loved & Welcome

Kids Experiencing Jesus in Community

We believe that powerful things happen when kids experience Jesus in community with adult leaders and other kids their age. When kids come to ONE&ALL Kids, we want them to feel known, heard, and loved exactly as God created them.


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You can play a critical role in helping kids draw near to God.

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Join Us!

We meet in community groups on the weekend where we disciple kids and teach them what it means to follow Jesus. We also work together with families to encourage, teach, and pray for kids as they grow in their faith.

Joining us on campus for the first time? Pre-register now to speed up the check in process when you arrive.

Infant - 5yrs Service

Watch This Week 2 | Early Childhood

March 8th & 9th

Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything.

Bible Passage: John 9:1-11

Memory Verse: Luke 5:17 (NIV)

6yrs - 4th Grade Service

Cast and Crew Week 2 | Elementary

March 8th & 9th

Bottom Line: Work together to help someone succeed.

Bible Passage: Exodus 17:8-13

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NIV)

5th Grade Service


Dedication is a public commitment parents make to raise their child to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. Like any covenant made before God and community, dedicating a child requires careful consideration, so we want families to have all the information they need to make their decision. If you have made ONE&ALL your home church and are interested in dedicating your young child (infant-1st grade), please contact your campus kids pastor for details about our upcoming dedication info meeting.


Through baptism, we declare our faith and commitment to Jesus and His Kingdom before a community who will hold us accountable to stay in God's will. Because this is such a special milestone in our walk with Christ, we carefully walk with kids through their decision to be baptized. While kids under the age of 6 can have a relationship with Jesus, we encourage kids to wait until they are a little older for baptism. Before we baptize kids, we strongly encourage families to meet with a kids pastor.

Buddy & Special Needs

We believe that all kids can experience Jesus. Every kid is a little different, and some kids thrive with modifications to their environment or one on one care while they participate in our weekend services. If you believe your child would benefit from having a buddy, we would love to meet with you and come up with a plan together!

Discipleship Resources

We are here for your kids, but we are also here for you! In addition to creating content for kids, we create resources to help you be a spiritual leader in your kid's life. We are also available to talk with you and pray for you.

Health & Security

Health and security are important to parents and to us. We run background checks on all our team members while also having unique check-in/check-out tags printed for every child. If you need to be contacted during the service, you will be promptly notified via text message. For the health and safety of all the children, we cannot accept any sick child at check-in.

Contact Our Kids Team

Josh Erickson

Family Pastor

Suzanne Martel

Family Ministry Coordinator

Watch Online

Our broadcast goes live Saturday at 5:00pm PST and is available all week.

Stream and chat live on YouTube:

Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am PST

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