About Us


Our Mission

Bringing people far from God, near to God

We're a church that's passionate about all people and their unique journey. We're a "City on a hill" type of community, committed to bringing those far from God, near to God.
People are searching for truth and asking questions of faith; we want to be part of that conversation. Our heart is to reach people from every corner of the world and unpack simple truths with those searching for more.
We believe the actions of one, changed eternity for all.
We believe in ONE truth for ALL people.
We are ONE&ALL.
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Saturday 5pm, Sunday 9am PST

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Jeff Vines

Lead Pastor

Jeffery A. Vines spent twenty years on the mission field (Zimbabwe, New Zealand) planting churches and training leaders. From 1998-2005 he was the featured speaker on the weekly television broadcast, “Questions of Life,” and frequently debated agnostic and atheist alike on national radio.

For two years Jeff served as the Teaching Pastor at Savannah Christian Church in Savannah, GA. On January 1, 2008, Jeff became the Lead Pastor of ONE&ALL Church (formerly Christ’s Church of the Valley) in Southern California. Jeff is the author of Dinner with SKEPTICS, Defending God in a world that makes no sense (2008, 2011), UnBroken, 8 Enduring Promises God Will Keep, Divine Romance, and currently is in the writing stages of a new book.

Jeff and his wife, Robin, have been married for 37 years and they have two adult children, Delaney and Sian. Delaney and his wife, Jessica, have two daughters and a son, Ada, Owen and Layla.

Watch Jeff's Latest Message

Whose Wealth Is It Anyway?

Pastor Jeff Vines

3 Part Series

Our Values, Vision and Beliefs

Our Values, Vision and Beliefs

Our vision is to see a fully-devoted follower of Jesus in every home in the valley and beyond.

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Our History

Our History

Over 60 years ago, a small group of 48 people gathered as a church in a Covina home. They believed God was looking for a new kind of church to accomplish His grand vision in the San Gabriel Valley. Their faithfulness opened the doors for God to move in powerful ways.

Our Future

Our Future

We exist for the world and have been called to bring those who are far from God, near to God. “YES” is our opportunity to focus on our value of generosity and its connection to reaching people in the valley and beyond. Imagine if we all said Yes!

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