
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

Indescribable Week 1

August 1st & 2nd

Memory Verse: Psalm 145:3

Bible Passage: Genesis 1-2:3

Bottom Line: There’s no limit to God's creativity.

Questions to ask after service:

1. Where did you see God in our story today?

2. What are some ways that people are made in God’s image?

3. If we believe everyone is made in God’s image, how should that impact the way we treat others?

ONE&ALL Kids Summer Week 8

July 25th & 26th

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8

Bible Story: Revelation 21:3-5

Bottom Line: BIG FAITH leads to the best ending.

Questions to ask after service:

1. Where did you see God in our story today?

2. What would it be like to not have any sadness, pain, or anything bad happening to you?

3. What part of heaven do you hope for the most? What are you really hoping is true of heaven or what would you be most excited about?

ONE&ALL Kids Summer Week 7

July 18th & 19th

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8

Bible Story: Acts 27:1-28:31

Bottom Line: BIG FAITH changes the way we see our problems.

Questions to ask after service:

1. Where did you see God in our story today?

2. When have you seen something good come out of something bad?

3. How can knowing Jesus change your perspective on, or how you feel about something in your life?

ONE&ALL Kids Summer Week 6

July 11th & 12th

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8

Bible Story: Acts 17:16-31

Bottom Line: BIG FAITH moves us to BIG ACTIONS!

Questions to ask after service:

1. Where did you see God in our story today?

2. What about when someone is kind without at all expecting anything in return? What does that feel like

3. How does treating someone well help them know Jesus?

ONE&ALL Kids Summer Week 5

July 4th & 5th

Bible Story: Acts 13:26-39

Memory Verse: Ephesians 2:8

Bottom Line: We accept God’s grace with BIG FAITH.

Questions to ask after service:

1. Where did you see God in our story today?

2. What is the best gift you ever received? When was it and what was the occasion?

3. Why is it hard for us to believe that God’s gift of grace through Jesus is free?