May 30th & 31st
Memory Verse: Galatians 6:9
Bottom Line: Keep going even when you have questions.
Where did you see God in our story today?
If we can’t see Jesus, how do we know He’s real?
What would you tell someone who doesn’t believe God or Jesus exists?
May 23rd & 24th
Bottom Line: Keep going because God knows the end of the story
When was a time you were scared but kept going?
What helped Stephen to keep going?
May 16th & 17th
May 9th & 10th
Bottom Line: God gives you what you need to keep going
1. Where did you see God in our story today?
2. How does it feel to know that God is with you?
3. What do you need determination for right now?
May 2nd & 3rd
Bottom Line: Keep going even when it seems impossible.
What can we do when we are faced with something we think is impossible?
We are created to be in community. There is power in connecting with others, sharing our stories and having people to do life with.
We believe God does not abandon or desert us in times of trouble or pain. Our Care & Support Team would love to share some resources and walk along side you through this difficult journey.
We are spiritual contributors, not merely consumers. You can make an impact and help us bring people who are far from God, near to God through your generosity.