
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

This or That Week 2 | Early Childhood

September 9th & 10th

Bottom Line: God knows what's best for me.

Bible Passage: Exodus 13:17-18, 14

Memory Verse: 1 John 3:20 (NIV)

This or That Week 1 | Early Childhood

September 2nd & 3rd

Bottom Line: God knows what's best for me.

Bible Passage: Genesis 1:31, 2:8-3:24

Memory Verse: 1 John 3:20 (NIV)

Stack It Up! Week 4 | Early Childhood

August 26th & 27th

Bottom Line: God made everything.

Bible Passage: Genesis 1:24-2:3

Memory Verse: Genesis 1:31 (NIRV)

Stack It Up! Week 3 | Early Childhood

August 19th & 20th

Bottom Line: God made everything.

Bible Passage: Genesis 1:20-23

Memory Verse: Genesis 1:31 (NIRV)

Stack It Up! Week 2 | Early Childhood

August 12th & 13th

Bottom Line: God made everything.

Bible Passage: Genesis 1:9-19

Memory Verse: Genesis 1:31 (NIRV)