
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

Say Cheese Week 3

August 15th & 16th

Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

Bible Story: God Loves Us So Much — John 3:16

Bottom Line: God made me. 

Questions to ask after service:

1. Who does God love?

2. What is the special gift that God gave us?

3. How do you feel when you think about how God gave us Jesus to be our friend forever?

Say Cheese Week 2

August 8th & 9th

Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

Bible Story: You Are Important to God* — Luke 12:7

Bottom Line: God made me. 

1. What does the bible teach about the hairs on your head?

2. When are you important to God?

3. How does it make you feel knowing that you are important to God all the time?

Say Cheese Week 1

August 1st & 2nd

Memory Verse: Psalm 139:14

Bible Story: Luke 12:7

Bottom Line: God made me.

Questions to ask after service:

1. What does the bible teach about the hairs on your head?

2. When are you important to God?

3. How does it make you feel knowing that you are important to God all the time?

ONE&ALL Kids Summer Week 8

July 25th & 26th

Memory Verse: John 20:31

Bible Story: Jesus Prepares a Place — John 14:2-3; Acts 1:1-11

Bottom Line: I can believe in Jesus.

Questions to ask after service:

1. What was the special place called Jesus told his friends about?

2. Where did Jesus go after he was finished talking with His friends?

3. Do you want to live with Jesus in heaven? Why or why not?

ONE&ALL Kids Summer Week 7

July 18th & 19th

Memory Verse: John 20:31

Bible Story: Paul in Rome — Acts 28:11-31

Bottom Line: I can believe in Jesus.

Questions to ask after service:

1. When did Paul tell people about Jesus?

2. What did Paul tell people about Jesus?

3. Is telling the truth hard to do all the time?