
Online Archive

New Services Will Be Posted Every Saturday

Start The Party Week 6 | Early Childhood

July 6th & 7th

Bottom Line: Jesus gives me joy.

Bible Passage: Luke 2:8-20

Memory Verse: Luke 2:10 (ESV)

Start The Party Week 5 | Early Childhood

June 29th & 30th

Bottom Line: I can have joy all the time.

Bible Passage: Habakkuk 3:17-18

Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

Start The Party Week 4 | Early Childhood

June 22nd & 23rd

Bottom Line: I can have joy all the time.

Bible Passage: Psalms 8 and 19

Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

Start The Party Week 3 | Early Childhood

June 15th & 16th

Bottom Line: I can have joy all the time.

Bible Passage: Ezra 3:10-13

Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)

Start The Party Week 2 | Early Childhood

June 8th & 9th

Bottom Line: I can have joy all the time.

Bible Passage: Deuteronomy 16:13-17

Memory Verse: Proverbs 17:22 (ESV)