It Takes Courage
Each year, I share my word of the year here on CCV’s blog. In January I shared my word of the year: COURAGE.
“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be Strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” – Psalm 31:24
As I approach June, I thought it would be good to check in with how the first six months of the year are going as I live out being courageous. I thought I knew what being courageous was, but choosing this word has shown me so much.
Thus far, courage for me has been:
-Trusting the church again after I’ve been hurt
-Stepping into therapy
-Having hard conversations
-Praying in moments of hopelessness
-Signing up for something new despite previous hurt - like serving and life groups
-Learning about my needs and communicating them
-Caring for the marginalized and speaking biblical truth
-Stepping outside of comfort into the unknown
-Learning to let emotions out as needed
I think courage takes little moments of bravery that are led by a simple “yes, Lord”.
Over 2000 years ago, a teenage girl named Mary was courageous because she said yes.
“Then Mary said, “I am willing to be used of the Lord. Let it happen to me as you have said.” Then the angel went away from her.” – Luke 1:38
Mary’s yes led to our Savior. Mary had her questions: “How will this happen?” (v.34) but she said yes. To culture it was illogical. She was betrothed to Joseph and there would have been consequences for her to be pregnant before marriage and for it to not to be Joseph’s. But her courageous step, her willingness, led to an impact on lives everywhere.
Every courageous yes that we give requires a no elsewhere, my friend Lisette recently reminded me. As you weigh your choices, my prayer is that you find ways to courageously say yes in all the little moments along the way. I pray that you courageously live out the life God has planned for you.