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Posted in: Big Faith, Community, Growth, Restoration, Grow Together

01.27.22 ( Tawny France )


The idea of community used to terrify me. I was afraid that I wouldn’t fit in, that I would be judged for who I was or for any and all of my actions. I spent so long fearing what others might think of me that I stayed away. Little did I know the powerful impact community could have on my life. 

My faith journey truly started when a young family from my home church took me in and provided me with the safest space I have ever felt outside of my own family. A space where I was able to ask faith-based questions, to be myself, to feel loved, heard and needed. They learned every one of my insecurities, my flaws, my sins and gave me opportunities to grow while still loving me when I failed. Never once did I feel anything but comfort and love from people who didn’t have to take me in, yet did it anyway. That was when I understood the power of community. People who were once strangers are now my family. They gave me a home when I needed it and continue to encourage me in my walk with God. We all need those kind of people in our lives. This experience confirmed that the fears I previously had about community were simply fears that I had concocted in my own head and that community is such a beautiful thing.

Just a few months ago, I joined a community group here at ONE&ALL. Although it's only been a short time, the bond and love radiating from this group makes me feel as if I have known them for years. When I need prayer, support, guidance or someone to talk to — they are there. They make it so easy to be vulnerable, to let go of my fears, to ask questions and help me work through any hurt or confusion I may be feeling. I genuinely adore being around them and getting to experience life together. 

Community gives us the opportunity to discover new aspects of the world, ourselves, and Christ. I don't know where I would be today if it weren't for the people who have taken me in and given me comfort and love. Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us that we need to be there for one another — to show love and actually meet together as Christians to encourage each other in our daily lives as we walk with Christ. God calls us to do life together, and my life drastically changed when I started doing so. 

Community is all about love, support, encouragement, friendship, guidance, and being together. I am so blessed to have found mine and am excited as God adds more people into my life that can help me grow closer to Him, myself and those around me.

This blog post has been posted in:
Big Faith, Community, Growth, Restoration, Grow Together


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About the Author
Tawny France has a degree in writing and still has trouble spelling the word "definitely." She cries during movies she's already seen and believes even bad Chipotle is still good Chipotle. If bug bites weren't so itchy, she would spend all her time outside reading, hanging out at the beach, hiking or watching a baseball game. Her dream is to use poetry to discuss her trials and experiences God gave her to encourage, love, support and help others.

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